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Senior Leadership Team at BIO

Meet the leaders behind the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. 

John F. Crowley, President & CEO
Senior Leadership
Phyllis Arthur. Executive Vice President & Head of Healthcare Policy & Programs.
Phyllis Arthur
Executive Vice President & Head of Healthcare Policy & Programs
Esham Cartier
Dr. Cartier Esham
Senior Advisor

Aiken Hackett, Senior Vice President, Federal Government Relations
Aiken Hackett
Senior Vice President, Federal Government Relations
Stephen Jasko
Stephen Jasko
Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President of Business Development
Peter McHugh
Chief Legal Officer

Michele Oshman, Senior Vice President & Head of Patient Advocacy
Michele Oshman
Senior Vice President & Head of Patient Advocacy

Patrick Plues, Senior Vice President, State Government Affairs & Affiliate Relations
Patrick Plues
Senior Vice President, State Government Affairs & Affiliate Relations
Sylvia Wulf, Interim Head, Agriculture & Environment
Sylvia Wulf
Interim Head, Agriculture & Environment