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Senior Leadership Team at BIO

Meet the leaders behind the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. 

John F. Crowley, President & CEO
John F. Crowley - President & CEO of BIO.

John F. Crowley is the President and CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the world’s largest biotechnology advocacy organization. Crowley, a longtime BIO board member, was most recently the Founder and Executive Chairman of Amicus Therapeutics, a global biotechnology company focusing on developing treatments for rare genetic diseases. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Amicus from 2005 to 2022.

Esham Cartier
Dr. Cartier Esham
Senior Advisor
Tonia Fykes
Tonia Fykes
Chief Events & Industry Programs Officer
Stephen Jasko
Stephen Jasko
Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President of Business Development
Peter McHugh
Chief Legal Officer