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Non-R&D Companies

BIO is a global community encouraging investment and promoting policies that support innovation. Together we're creating an environment where innovation thrives.

Save with BIO BBS
BIO Business Solutions

BIO members save thousands each year through BIO Business Solutions, the largest purchasing group in the life sciences industry. 

BIO Events

BIO members receive discounts on registration and exhibition fees at over a dozen BIO events throughout the year.

BIO Online Learning
BIO Online Learning

Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth through our two partners, Center for Communication Compliance (CCC), Digital Medicine Society (DiME), and Biotech Primer.

BIO Academic Membership

Year-round BIO's academic members can join BIO's technology transfer committee to improve business development tools for the industry and university technology transfer community, attend BIO events at a discount, access development resources through BIO's Online Learning partners, and receive savings via BIO Business Solutions.

Academic Campus
woman shaking hand
BIO Sponsorship at Events

Maximize partnering and deal making, establish your brand as a thought leader and expand your reach with digital advertising at BIO events throughout the year. 

Join BIO Today

Build your network, stay on top of industry topics, advocate for issues critical to your interests, gain access to policymakers, and save money.

Featured Events

As the largest global non-profit biotechnology trade association representing startups to Fortune 500 companies, BIO is proud to host a portfolio of partnering conferences that not only unite and empower biotech innovators and their ecosystem to improve lives but also offer a broad and unbiased venue to seek investment and BD&L opportunities.


March 17–19, 2025
Milan, Italy


March 2-3, 2026 | Miami, FL