BIO Professional Development

Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers industry professionals executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth

Medical Device Development Primer

Medical Device Development Primer broadly explores the five pivotal stages of medical device development. This class focuses on the workflow at each step, from evaluating market opportunities and rigorously assessing concepts to crafting engineering designs and scaling manufacturing. This primer unlocks the secrets of FDA guidance's pertaining to process design, qualification, and monitoring. It ends with a look at product risk assessment and reimbursement, summarizing their role in management's momentous go/no-go decisions. Enroll today to embark on this exciting quest toward groundbreaking medical device development!

Medical Device Development


  1. List the five phases of medical device development in order. 
  2. Explain the techniques to effectively evaluate the market opportunity for a novel medical device.
  3. Determine the manufacturing feasibility by analyzing a medical device's design.
  4. Recommend required prototype specifications needed in medical device design, documentation, and testing.
  5. Explain the FDA validation guidance for process design, qualification, and monitoring.
Course Price:
$190 USD
BIO Member Price:
$160 USD
Course Length:
57 minutes
Course Level:
Completion Period:
1 year from date of purchase
Course Format:

Certificate Requirements

Complete the course quiz with a passing score of 75% or higher

Suggested Prerequisites

Discover the expanding molecular diagnostics field, saving lives by pinpointing disease causes and guiding personalized treatments."

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Discover the expanding molecular diagnostics field, saving lives by pinpointing disease causes and guiding personalized treatments."

Professional Certificate