BIO Professional Development

Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers industry professionals executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth

Diagnostic Measurements Primer

Diagnostic Measurements Primer unravels the importance of direct and indirect measurements and their vital role in obtaining regulatory approval. This class begins with the art of constructing and reading a standard curve to determine unknown analyte concentrations. The agenda extends to testing accuracy, focusing on the ins and outs of specificity, sensitivity, false positives/false negatives, and true positives/true negatives. These concepts are reinforced with a graphics exercise on distributions, exploring the varied factors contributing to data variability and bi-modal distribution. This class ends with two real-world case studies critiquing data from mammography for breast cancer and PSA diagnostics for prostate cancer. Learn what it takes to secure diagnostic approval by learning acceptable measurement thresholds. Register today!

BIO-CCC Online Learning


  1. Produce and interpret a standard curve to analyze a diagnostic's results.
  2. Recognize types of data distributions and how each is used to determine if a patient's condition falls in the normal or abnormal range.
  3. Explain how precision, bias, specificity, and sensitivity measurements determine the accuracy of a diagnostic.
  4. Discuss how false positive and false negative percentages and their comparison to the reference product determine regulatory approval for a novel diagnostic.
  5. Choose the correct measurement to determine a patient's disease state.
Course Price:
$190 USD
BIO Member Price:
$160 USD
Course Length:
47 minutes
Course Level:
Completion Period:
1 year from date of purchase
Course Format:

Certificate Requirements

Complete the course quiz with a passing score of 75% or higher

Suggested Prerequisites

Explore diagnostic development: regulatory roles, approval pathways, quality systems. Understand reimbursement.

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