BIO Professional Development

Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers industry professionals executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth

Diagnostic Development Primer

Diagnostic Development Primer is a comprehensive guide to navigating the complex world of approval pathways. This class begins by examining the vital roles that various United States government agencies play in regulating In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and Laboratory-Developed Tests (LDTs). It provides a detailed description of the regulatory requirements for Class I, II, and III diagnostic approval pathways. A review of the internationally recognized Quality System Regulations (QSR) and how they impact the design and manufacturing of diagnostic products closes out section two. This primer wraps up by explaining the reimbursement process for Medicare, Medicaid, hospitals, and private payers, breaking down complex inpatient DRG codes and outpatient CPT codes. Enroll now in the Diagnostic Approval Primer and become well-versed in the approval process of molecular diagnostics. Let's start your journey today!

Woman at a table using a laptop


  1. Compare the diagnostic regulatory oversight by the FDA and the CMS.
  2. Contrast the United States regulatory process for in vitro diagnostics and laboratory-developed tests.
  3. Recognize the regulatory differences between the Class I, II, and III diagnostics.
  4. Explain the purpose of quality system regulations (QSR), highlighting the design and manufacturing of QSRs.
  5. Discuss the challenges in receiving diagnostic reimbursement in the United States.
Course Price:
$190 USD
BIO Member Price:
$160 USD
Course Length:
41 minutes
Course Level:
Completion Period:
1 year from date of purchase
Course Format:

Certificate Requirements

Complete the course quiz with a passing score of 75% or higher

Suggested Prerequisites

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