Gene-editing Technologies: Powerful Tools for Rewriting the Code of Life

Gene-editing webinar title card
Gene-editing Technologies: Powerful Tools for Rewriting the Code of Life
July 14, 2023


The Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Science Series is a quarterly seminar series focused on scientific topics related to cell and gene therapy products. The CGT Science Series is intended to foster scientific exchange between the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the American Society of Cell & Gene Therapy (ASGCT), and Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) review staff on a variety of topics that span the CGT product lifecycle. The seminars are planned as 60-minute virtual webinars featuring a speaker from one of the three organizations. The CGT Science Series will enable a deep dive into a specific technical and/or scientific area. Topics in the series may include but are not limited to, nonclinical, CMC, clinical, or post-market phases of development related to CGT product lifecycle.

– Anne-Virginie Eggimann, Tessera

Opening Remarks:
– Cartier Esham, Senior Advisor, Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)

– Jing Liao, Director, Vector Development and Operations, Alexion Pharmaceuticals