With Plans to Build World-Class Event in 2023, BIO Cancels 2022 Impact Ag & Environment Conference
The Impact Ag & Environment Conference hosted by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization has been canceled for 2022. BIO is shifting its focus to planning a must-attend conference in Raleigh, N.C., in September 2023.
BIO had planned to host the first in-person BIO Impact Ag & Environment Conference since 2019 this September 19-21 in Omaha, Neb. Before that, the conference was known as the BIO World Congress.
“As BIO evaluates how best to serve our members and advance the interests of the agriculture and environment biotech sector, we have decided not to hold this year’s BIO Impact Conference,” said BIO’s President & CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath. “This cancellation shows how committed we are at BIO to ensuring we safely host an event that is successful and reflects the priority we place on agricultural technology and environmental sustainability issues. We’re not going to rush this; we’re going to do it right.”
“While we deeply regret having to postpone our plans for a post-COVID reunion of leaders who are eager to get together and talk about the exciting things happening in ag biotech and bioprocessing, we know this just means we have more time to plan an amazing BIO Impact Ag & Environment Conference for next year,” said Sylvia Wulf, chairman of the agriculture & environment section of the BIO board of directors and president & CEO of AquaBounty Technologies Inc. “We already had some great programming in the works for this year, so I know we’ll have an amazing agenda for 2023.”
BIO, just weeks ago in mid-June, hosted the first in-person BIO International Convention in two years in San Diego, with more than 14,000 attendees from around the world and 44,000 BIO One-on-One Partnering™ meetings. In addition, BIO hosted a well-attended BIO Impact Ag & Environment Conference in 2019 in Iowa.
“We are the no. 1 organization for companies, investors, researchers, and advocates in the biotechnology arena, and we have a proven track record of success in convening biotech leaders to learn, network and discuss the latest advancements in biotech innovation,” added McMurry-Heath. “We look forward to sharing what we have planned for BIO Impact Ag & Environment Conference in 2023.”
BIO thanks the city of Omaha, Gov. Pete Ricketts and BIO Impact conference sponsors, speakers and registrants for their support. Details about the 2023 conference will be available soon at bio.org/impact.