New CMS Reimbursement Rule “Reaffirms the Many Benefits of Transformational Therapies”
Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services finalized this year’s inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) rule, which includes a new diagnosis-related group (DRG) to streamline reimbursements for providers administering CAR T-cell therapies to patients with cancer.
Following CMS’ announcement, BIO’s Executive Vice President for Health Policy, Dan Durham, said the following:
“This final rule reaffirms the many benefits transformational therapies – such as CAR T-cell therapy -- provide patients and society more broadly. Medicare reimbursement should not serve as a barrier to life-saving treatments, and the final policy announced today validates this basic principle. It’s vital the Trump administration continue to build on these steps to ensure that seniors benefit from the next generation of innovative cures and treatments, including CAR T-cell therapy.”