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BIO Supports Growing Climate Solutions Act

June 24, 2020
Media Contact
Connor McKoy

Washington, D.C. (June 24, 2020)—The Biotechnology Innovation Organization issued the following statement on today’s hearing on the Growing Climate Solutions Act:

“The importance of today’s discussion cannot be understated. Climate change is a threat to agriculture and society. However, innovative, biology-based tools will enable agriculture to adapt and be part of the solution. BIO is a strong supporter of the Growing Climate Solutions Act for the significant positive impact the legislation will have for American farmers, sustainable fuel producers, and biobased manufacturers.

“Through the power of biotechnology, greater amounts of carbon can be sequestered in soil and converted into value-added products providing additional revenue streams for farmers while addressing climate change and encouraging sustainable practices. It is time for the United States to work towards a more resilient 21st-century bioeconomy, and this bill is an important step towards that future.

“BIO thanks Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) for their leadership. We look forward to supporting this bill as it advances through committee.”

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