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BIO Applauds USTR for Taking Next Step to Return Mexico to Science-Based Policy

June 2, 2023
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The following statement may be attributed to Nancy Travis, vice president for international affairs, BIO.

“The Biotechnology Innovation Organization supports the decision, announced today, by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to request formal consultations with Mexico under the U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) dispute settlement provisions to resolve Mexico’s treatment of agricultural biotechnology products.

“BIO thanks U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai for taking this action today and all the USTR and USDA officials for their diligent work throughout the technical consultations phase. Unfortunately, technical consultations have not resolved the issue. Mexico’s non-science-based rejection of applications for biotech traits and its ban on imports of biotech corn for human consumption violate the terms of the USMCA and cannot stand.

“In addition, as we’ve said all along, Mexico’s stance against biotech corn is bad for Mexico’s consumers, who will face worse food price inflation if the ban is not lifted and is damaging to efforts to address climate concerns through agricultural innovation. BIO has urged the Biden Administration to engage in the dispute resolution process without delay, and we applaud the action USTR is taking today.

“It is BIO’s hope that the consultations will resolve this matter and return Mexico to a science-based, transparent and predictable regulatory pathway for innovative agricultural products.”

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