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Berlin Declaration will "save lives" in the future

July 20, 2022
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The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) this week released the “Berlin Declaration” — a framework to work with G7 and G20 on a joint solution for better access to vaccines and treatments around the world for future pandemics. In support of the declaration, BIO president and CEO, Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, made the following remarks:

“Scientists played a critical role in saving lives over the last two years by developing lifesaving vaccines and therapeutics to combat Covid-19. 

“Unfortunately, we know Covid will not be our last pandemic. What we do today will impact how quickly we can defeat the next health crisis. 

“The Berlin Declaration outlines ways to allow governments, industry, scientists, and key stakeholders to act quickly in the wake of health crises. Adopting these principles now will no doubt save lives in the future — especially those in underserved areas of the world — by ensuring quick and equitable distribution of innovative vaccines and therapeutics.”


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