I am BIO Podcast
Powerful stories of biotech breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve.

Episode 70 • Apr 11, 2023 • 28 min
The New Age of CRISPR
Episode Topic:
CRISPR has emerged as a powerful tool for altering DNA sequences with incredible precision, opening up new avenues of research into the treatment of disease. In this episode, we explore the science behind CRISPR, as well as its potential. From curing genetic disorders to creating new crop varieties, the possibilities seem endless. Our four guests today are scientists working to push these gene editing tools to the next frontier.
Episode Guests

Leah Sabin
Executive Director, Regeneron Genetics Medicines, Regeneron

David Gutstein
Program Head for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders, Regeneron

Julie Bruno
SVP of Programs and Portfolio, CRISPR Therapeutics

Benjamin Oakes
Co-founder and CEO, Scribe Therapeutics