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BIO Supporting Oxitec’s Experimental Use Permit (EUP) for Biotech Mosquito

September 30, 2021

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) submits these comments in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) request for public input on the receipt of an application, 93167-EUP-2, from Oxitec Ltd requesting to amend and extend of an experimental use permit (EUP) for the OX5034 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes expressing tetracycline Trans-Activator Variant protein. The mosquitoes are proposed to be released in Florida and California to evaluate the efficacy of the mosquitoes as a tool for suppression of wild Aedes aegypti mosquito populations. The release would be an amendment and extension of an EUP authorized in April 2020.

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BIO comments on Oxitec EUP
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