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BIO Submits Letter to Office of Management and Budget on Part 340

March 6, 2020

Each of the below signatories submitted comments to the United States Department of Agriculture on the June 6, 2019, proposed rule regarding the movement of certain genetically engineered (GE) organisms [Docket No. APHIS-2018-0034] (OMB RIN 0579-AE47). Those comments reflect the priorities and recommendations of our individual organizations as the Agency contemplates its role in the regulation of agricultural biotechnology. While our organizations may not be aligned in all aspects of our comments on the proposed rule, including the ability of developers to self-determine that they meet proposed exemptions, one area in which we do broadly agree relates to the need for pre-market notification from developers to the Agency, which would provide regulatory certainty for developers and additional information to the marketplace and consumers. We believe there is an opportunity for this rule to do more in that regard.

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Part 340 Coalition Letter to OMB
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