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BIO Statement to House Ag Hearing on Food Insecurity

March 11, 2021

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization is pleased to submit a statement for the record to the United States House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture hearing entitled, "A Look at Food Insecurity in America."

The Committee's hearing examining food insecurity comes at a critical time. As we are all too aware, one-year into dealing with the pandemic, COVID-19 has also exposed the vulnerabilities and inequalities in how communities are disproportionately impacted, our capacity to respond to crisis, our ability to maintain our supply chains and to withstand an economic downturn.

BIO is committed to working with the Committee and Congress to address food insecurity. We urge you to support policy that advances pioneering technology breakthroughs. With science we can ensure everyone has access to affordable healthy fare and achieve universal nutrition. 

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BIO Statment House Ag Food Insecurity Hearing
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