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BIO Signs on to Multi-Industry Letter Supporting Critical Infrastructure in Wake of COVID-19 Outbreak

March 25, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) joins 111 industry groups across sectors in a letter to federal, state and local lawmakers supporting uniform definitions of "critical infrastructure" as outlined by the Department of Homeland Security and it's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 

Complete and total adoption of these definitions as a floor across the country will ensure much-needed manufacturers can continue to operate, transport products and have a workforce available. If not adopted widely, curfews that do not consider transportation and workforce needs could quickly become significant barriers to not only supply chains, but also actual supplies. 

To help in the exchange of resources and manufacturing capacity as companies focus on addressing the pandemic, BIO has created the Coronavirus Hub. The hub allows researchers and companies to share their extra capacity and resources with companies that need them. Visit the Coronavirus Hub at

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Multi Industry Letter Supporting DHS CISA Critical Infrastructure Definitions
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