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BIO Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee on Priorities for Fiscal Year 2023 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act

May 4, 2022

Industrial biotechnology is enabling a dramatic paradigm shift in the production of fuels and chemicals. Modern biorefineries are converting domestic sources of renewable biomass, wastes, and residues into sustainable low carbon fuels, chemicals, and products, positioning the United States to reduce its dependence on foreign petroleum for these goods and to grow a robust biobased economy that creates high paying jobs, particularly in rural parts of the country where renewable biomass is grown and in manufacturing communities where carbon can be captured and utilized. For this growing sector of the economy to flourish, private sector investment is essential. Department of Energy programs that foster research, development, demonstration-scale activities, and deployment of renewable low-carbon energy technologies send positive signals to the investment community. Thus, we urge continued congressional support for a variety of key programs in FY 2023:

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FY23 BIO Senate EWD request letter
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