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BIO Letter to Minnesota State Senate on Supporting E15

February 21, 2021

On behalf of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) – the world’s largest trade group for the biotechnology sector – I write to express support for Senate File 944, a bill you recently filed that would increase the minimum biofuel content in gasoline to 15 percent. BIO appreciates your leadership on this matter and stands ready to advocate for this important measure.

Your legislation is extremely timely as most vehicles on the road today are newer than model year 2001 and thus compatible with E15; federal regulations now permit year-round use of E15; and E15 is seen as one of the most important near-term pathways to decarbonizing the transportation sector. To that end, corn-derived ethanol emits 46% less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional gasoline, according to a recent study by Environmental Health and Energy, Inc. based on research from Harvard, Tufts, and more than two dozen other institutions.

SF 944 legislation builds on years of Minnesota’s commitment to supporting North Star State farmers, promoting rural economic development, and reducing carbon emissions. In 2003, Minnesota became the first state to require E10 gasoline. More recently, the Governor’s Council on Biofuels in early November of 2020 issued a consensus document outlining findings and recommendations that states, “moving from a 10 to 15 percent ethanol minimum content standard is a near term policy priority to accelerate progress toward the Petroleum Displacement Goal of 25 percent biofuel use in gasoline by 2030.”

In closing, BIO thanks you for introducing SF 944 and looks forward to working with you and the countless other organizations that support the bill to see that it is enacted.

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