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BIO Letter to Biden Administration on Climate Crisis

January 25, 2021

On behalf of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the nearly 1000 companies, universities, and biotech organizations we represent comprised of millions of scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs, congratulations on your historic inauguration. BIO pledges to work with you and your Administration to advance the cause of truth and scientific innovation to address the four overlapping and compounding crises of the COVID-19 crisis, the resulting economic crisis, the climate crisis, and the racial equality crisis.

On the climate crisis, BIO applauds you for rejoining the Paris Agreement on your first day in office. As you begin to take immediate action in the first ten days of your administration to address the climate crisis, BIO urges the federal government to support pioneering technology breakthroughs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in manufacturing, transportation, and agricultural supply chains to build a stronger, more resilient and environmentally sustainable economy. BIO recommends the following actions to address the climate crisis:


1. Leverage the Regulatory System to Quickly Deploy Climate-Positive Biotechnologies
2. Buy "Green"
3. Deploy Sustainable Fuels
4. Regain America's Global Leadership against Climate Change


By proactively advancing biotechnology, we can take bold and drastic action to address the climate crisis. We join the Nation in optimism that your Administration marks a new opportunity for science to guide our response to the climate crisis and return our Nation and the world to health and prosperity.

To learn more about fighting climate change through innovation, click here

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BIO Letter to Biden Admin on Climate Crisis
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