BIO Comments on USTR Objectives for U.S. – Japan Trade Agreement
December 12, 2018
BIO welcomes progress made in recent U.S. bilateral trade agreements, in particular with Australia and Korea, to require transparency and accountability of foreign government pricing and reimbursement of biopharmaceuticals, to ensure market access and reward for innovation. BIO believes that to ensure that U.S. trading partners are allowing fair, non-discriminatory access to new medicines, and shouldering a fair share of the costs of innovation, that any modern trade agreement, including a U.S-Japan agreement should build on these provisions.
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BIO Negotiations Objectives - US-Japan Trade Final 112618
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BIO welcomes progress made in recent U.S. bilateral trade agreements, in particular with Australia and Korea, to require transparency and accountability of foreign government pricing and reimbursement of biopharmaceuticals, to ensure market access and reward for innovation. BIO believes that to ensure that U.S. trading partners are allowing fair, non-discriminatory access to new medicines, and shouldering a fair share of the costs of innovation, that any modern trade agreement, including a U.S-Japan agreement should build on these provisions.