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BIO and Members Join Letter Supporting SAF Tax Credit

May 20, 2021

As fuel producers and organizations committed to the development of a robust sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry to help decarbonize the aviation industry with drop-in, low-carbon replacements for conventional aviation fuels, we write to express our strong support for the Sustainable Skies Act. The legislation will send a needed long-term investment signal to help scale the SAF industry, will address existing policy disincentives currently limiting SAF deployment and investment, and, most importantly, will meaningfully reduce aviation’s climate and air quality impacts while driving economic growth.

We thank Representatives Schneider, Kildee, and Brownley and your staff for the work that went into the development of the SAF BTC, and we stand ready to assist you in making this impactful legislation into law.

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SAF BTC Producers Sustainable Skies
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