Towards a "bio revolution"

October 28, 2020
The BIO Patient and Health Advocacy Digital Summit kicks off today, and we tell you how to follow along. Plus, we have news on the COVID-19 vaccine pipeline as well as a look at BIO's new strategic vision. (700 words, 3 minutes, 20 seconds)

The BIO Patient and Health Advocacy Digital Summit kicks off today, and we tell you how to follow along. Plus, we have news on the COVID-19 vaccine pipeline as well as a look at BIO's new strategic vision. (700 words, 3 minutes, 20 seconds)


How to follow the BIO Patient & Health Advocacy Digital Summit


What we’re watching today: The event kicks off with a plenary on how to achieve health equity (12 PM ET/9 AM PT). We’ll also get tips on how to fundraise in this new virtual era (1:15 PM ET/10:15 AM PT) and on how to maintain coalition momentum (2 PM ET/11 AM PT). The day closes with a fireside chat between BIO’s Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath and Merck’s Dr. Julie Gerberding (3:45 PM ET/12:45 PM PT).

Watch biotech leaders explain why the patient voice matters:
Why you should be reassured about COVID-19 vaccine trials
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The number of drug development programs targeting COVID-19 reached 800—but we’ve also seen delays and pauses in some of the late-stage trials. BIO’s Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath appeared on MSNBC to talk about the latest developments—and reassure us that science will bring us to the finish line. 

The latest news:Johnson & Johnson recently restarted its phase 3 clinical trial after a brief delay over safety concerns, while Pfizer said yesterday that efficacy data from its trial may come later than expected.

“This is not unexpected to see adverse events in any clinical trial,” said BIO President and CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath on Morning Joe. “This is the ups and downs of normal medical research.”

We’re seeing “incredible transparency and amazing amounts of communication” from companies, she continued. “The public should be reassured by how the companies are really reaching out to be sure that they’re aware of absolutely everything that happens.”

“I think we can expect to see vaccines early in 2021, and you’ll see them in wide distribution probably by the spring of next year,” she concluded.

Watch her discuss the timeline in more detail:

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Want the latest on the COVID-19 pipeline? Check out BIO’s COVID-19 Therapeutic Development Tracker.


More Health Care News: 

Kaiser Health News: Florida fails to attract bidders for Canada drug importation program
“No private firms bid on Florida’s $30 million contract to set up and operate a drug importation program. Bids were due at the end of September.”


Agriculture and Environment News: 

UPI: 18% of COVID-19 deaths in U.S. linked to air pollution, study finds
“Up to 15% of all COVID-19 deaths globally, and 18% of fatalities caused by the virus in the United States, may be linked to long-term exposure to air pollution, an analysis published Monday by the journal Cardiovascular Research estimated.”


Towards a “bio revolution”

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Yesterday, BIO announced a new strategic vision for the organization. 

As BIO President and CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath said in the announcement, the vision speaks to:

  • BIO’s mission—to drive a “bio revolution” through education collaboration and advocacy.
  • BIO’s purpose—to cure patients, protect our climate, and nourish our community.
  • BIO’s vision—a world of rapid biotech innovation equitably harnessed for health, sustainability, and justice.

The strategic vision is based on five pillars:

BIO's strategic vision is based on these five pillars.

Watch Dr. Michelle discuss the vision. 

We’ll be talking about this more over the coming weeks—but in the meantime, visit for more details.


Today: Bayh-Dole 40th Anniversary Celebration


The Bayh-Dole Act is an important law that has empowered biopharmaceutical researchers and encouraged investment in new cures. 

Today at 1:00 PM ET, join Bayh-Dole 40 Executive Director Joe Allen, former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole, and Chris Bayh, the son of late Sen. Birch Bayh, for a virtual 40th anniversary event to celebrate the law and learn why it’s so important for patients and new cures. 

Click here to register for this free event.

Can’t make it today? We’ll look at Bayh-Dole’s lasting impact on innovation tomorrow, October 29, during the BIO Patient and Health Advocacy Digital Summit.

BIO Beltway Report
BIO Beltway Report
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President Trump’s Wednesday: Campaign rallies in Bullhead City and Goodyear, AZ, before heading to Florida. Meanwhile, the White House lists "ending the COVID-19 pandemic" as one of the first-term accomplishments

What’s Happening on Capitol Hill: Six days to go until the election.

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