"A good day for global health"

January 22, 2021
Ending the week with a quick look at what to expect during the first 100 days of the Biden administration and BIO’s reaction to a few key actions so far. (770 words, 3 minutes, 50 seconds)

Ending the week with a quick look at what to expect during the first 100 days of the Biden administration and BIO’s reaction to a few key actions so far. (770 words, 3 minutes, 50 seconds)


"A good day for global health"


In his inaugural address, President Joe Biden made it clear that confronting COVID-19 is a priority—and two days in, he's already taken action in the United States and globally. Here’s where things stand.

To ensure a coordinated COVID-19 response across the federal government, the Biden administration has named and placed acting agency leadership, including at Health and Human Services (HHS) and the President’s COVID-19 Advisory Board.

Meanwhile, Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief plan is awaiting congressional approval. The American Rescue Plan would boost federal unemployment assistance, create a new grant for small business owners, increase assistance to states and schools, and send $1,400 stimulus checks to most Americans. It would also invest $20 billion in a national COVID-19 vaccination program and $50 billion to increase COVID-19 testing.

(Want to know more about what to expect in the first 100 days?We just published a Biden administration preview.)

In addition, the Biden administration joined global efforts to fight the global pandemic,announcing that the United States will:

  • Remain a member of the World Health Organization (WHO), and
  • Participate in the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator and the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) Facility, which aim to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to poor and under-developed countries.

What they’re saying: “This is a good day for WHO and a good day for global health,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Since WHO’s founding in 1948, the United States has played a vital role in global health, and the American people have made enormous contributions to the health of the world’s people.” 

Dr. Michelle’s Diagnosis: Medical breakthroughs in COVID can only fulfill their potential, and the global pandemic can only be effectively addressed if patients around the world get access to them. As the country developing more COVID vaccines and therapeutics than any other, it is appropriate and necessary that the United States also play a leadership role working with other countries and international organizations to make sure patients around the world receive them. BIO looks forward to working with the U.S. and other governments to achieve this critical goal. BIO President and CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath 

Read more on what to expect during the Biden administration’s first 100 days.


More Health Care News:

Bloomberg: Eli Lilly antibody cuts COVID-19 risk up to 80% in nursing home study
“The infused treatment, cleared for use in high-risk COVID patients with mild-to-moderate disease who haven’t been hospitalized, also significantly reduced the risk of symptomatic disease in nursing home workers, according to a statement from Lilly on Thursday.”


Biden administration zeros in on climate


Beyond COVID-19, we know climate change will be another major priority for the Biden administration. Here’s the latest on what to expect.

Among President Biden’s first actions, he signed the Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis

The order directs agencies to review and address policies from the last four years that conflict with the new administration’s climate objectives, which include, among others, “listen to the science,” “improve public health and protect our environment,” “limit exposure to dangerous chemicals and pesticides,” and “reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” as well as focusing on environmental justice.

Expect climate to be a focus across the federal government. For example, during yesterday’s confirmation hearing, Transportation nominee Pete Buttigieg said there is “a  ‘generational opportunity’ to transform the country’s infrastructure in a way that advances Mr. Biden’s goals on climate change, racial justice, and job creation,” reports The New York Times Evening Briefing.

We know we don’t need to remind you (but we will anyway) that biotech can help achieve all of these goals, from decarbonizing transportation and eliminating plastic waste, to ensuring we have a sustainable and plentiful food supply that's resilient in the face of climate threats.

Now, we need leadership. Nearly 130 food and agriculture groups (including BIO) wrote a letter to Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) asking for immediate confirmation of Agriculture nominee Tom Vilsack, who is “ready to lead the peoples’ department and American food and agriculture broadly to meeting environmental challenges, enhance diversity and inclusion, strengthen food security, and build rural prosperity through expanded trade and development of the bioeconomy, all with broad consumer benefits.”

Keep reading for more on what to expect on climate during the Biden administration's first 100 days.


Meet Dianne: Educating Patients During Their Cancer Journey

Meet Dianne: Educating Patients During Their Cancer Journey
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When Dianne Danowski-Smith was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer, she had difficulty finding accurate information that could support her in her cancer journey.

“I quickly realized that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.”

She founded Answer2Cancer, a website to provide help, support, and education and resources to people going through cancer. 

Watch Dianne’s story.

Visit www.bio.org/iambio to share your story, too.

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BIO Beltway Report
BIO Beltway Report
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President Biden’s Friday: Another busy day includes remarks scheduled for 2:45 PM ET on the administration’s response to the economic crisis and signing more executive orders. Additionally, the press secretary will hold a briefing at 12:30 PM ET with National Economic Council Director Brian Deese. 

What’s Happening on Capitol Hill:The Senate will vote on the confirmation of Lloyd Austin for Defense secretary. Senate Finance will vote on Janet Yellen’s Treasury nomination. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to delay the Senate impeachment hearing until February.

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