Good Day BIO: SEC approves board diversity proposal

August 9, 2021
It’s a new week—and the SEC approved an important Nasdaq proposal that will improve diversity and inclusion in public companies. We tell you how you can get more details, plus look at why opposition to GMOs has been so misplaced. (655 words, 3 minutes, 16 seconds)

It’s a new week—and the SEC approved an important Nasdaq proposal that will improve diversity and inclusion in public companies. We tell you how you can get more details, plus look at why opposition to GMOs has been so misplaced. (655 words, 3 minutes, 16 seconds)


SEC approves board diversity proposal


We have the details on Nasdaq’s proposal and what it means for your company and the industry. 

ICYMI: On December 1, Nasdaq filed a proposal with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require all companies listed on Nasdaq’s U.S. exchange to publicly disclose diversity statistics on their boards of directors. 

Specifically, the rules would require most Nasdaq-listed companies to have—or explain why they don’t have—at least two diverse directors, including one who self-identifies as female and one who self-identifies as either an underrepresented minority or LGBTQ+. (Foreign companies and smaller companies could have more flexibility to satisfy the requirement with two female directors.)

Yesterday, the SEC approved Nasdaq’s proposal—here’s the approval order and what Nasdaq-listed companies should know.

BIO applauds the approval, having developed a close relationship with Nasdaq and supported the proposal as a way to further diversity, equity, and inclusion across the biotech industry.

Want more information on the timeline and resources for companies?Nasdaq will hold a free webinar on August 17

Learn more about what BIO’s doing to make health care and the biotechnology sector more diverse and inclusive. 

Listen: The new bonus episode of the I am BIO Podcast features a BIO Digital 2021 conversation on how we can improve LGBTQ leadership in biotech—and why the younger generation is leading the way in DEI. Listen now.


More Health Care News: 

The Wall Street Journal: FDA COVID-19 vaccine booster plan could be ready within weeks
The Food and Drug Administration expects to have a strategy on COVID-19 vaccine boosters by early September that would lay out when and which vaccinated individuals should get the follow-up shots.”

Science: A giant trial of COVID-19 treatments is restarting
“Solidarity, a global study led by the World Health Organization (WHO), will test three new drugs in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: the cancer drug imatinib, an antibody named infliximab that is used to treat autoimmune diseases, and artesunate, an antimalarial.” 

Click to Watch BIO's Dr. Michelle on MSNBC

Questions about routine vaccines? Visit the CDC’s National Immunization Awareness Month resource center or Stronger, an initiative to stop the spread of vaccine misinformation. 

Questions about COVID vaccines? Visit  


More Health Care News:

Science: The overlooked superpower of mRNA vaccines
“They prevent symptomatic disease, curb hospitalization, and reduce death. But for public health purposes, a vaccine's mastery at something less obvious is equally important: the ability to prevent even asymptomatic infection.”


“What if all this concern over GMOs is misplaced?”


It is—and here’s why. 

ICYMI:The Philippines recently became the first country to approve commercial production of Golden Rice, rice that’s been genetically modified to be richer in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. 

Golden Rice has huge potential to help solve hunger,as we reported last week—but like many GMOs, it’s long faced opposition that's blocked it from getting to people who need it. 

“But what if all this concern over GMOs is misplaced? What if we need them?”asks Vermont Public Radio

In addition to health benefits, GMOs can lessen the impact of climate change: “One of the things that contributes to climate change is actually deforestation [for] agriculture,” explains writer Jennifer Kahn. “We need agriculture to become more efficient. So that’s one argument for GMOs.” 

Read: The tide is turning on GMOs—and it’s about time 

And gene modification and gene editing are similar to traditional plant breeding—just more precise: “[W]hen you crossbreed, you know, to get a new tomato or a new apple—boy, we are changing the genetics in ways we don't even understand,” continues Kahn. “We are dragging like large, large numbers of genes over from one thing to another, and we're not even testing those to see whether it has changed the nutritional value or anything else.” 

Read the whole thing.

Watch: Nobel Laureate Dr. Jennifer Doudna explains CRISPR for plant breeding


More Agriculture and Environment News: 

CNN: Earth is warming faster than previously thought, scientists say, and the window is closing to avoid catastrophic outcomes
“Only by making deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, while also removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, can we halt the precipitous trend,” according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.

BIO Beltway Report
BIO Beltway Report
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President Biden’s Monday: No public events scheduled.

What’s Happening on Capitol Hill: The Senate continued work on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill over the weekend. Last night, Senators voted to end debate on the bill, setting it up for a vote tonight or early tomorrow, per CNN.

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