This bill would boost renewable chemicals and build resilience

December 9, 2020
Today, we applaud a new bill that would boost renewable chemicals and the bioeconomy and explain why it’s not too late to get a flu vaccine. (724 words, 3 minutes, 37 seconds)

Today, we applaud a new bill that would boost renewable chemicals and the bioeconomy and explain why it’s not too late to get a flu vaccine. (724 words, 3 minutes, 37 seconds)


This bill would boost renewable chemicals and build resilience


Reps. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced legislation yesterday that would create a tax credit for the production of renewable chemicals—providing a much-needed boost for the environment and the bioeconomy.

The Renewable Chemicals Act would “create an allocated tax credit for production of qualifying renewable chemicals from biomass or investment in production facilities,” according to the press release

How it works: The legislation “would create production tax credit based on 15% of the sales price of each pound of renewable chemical produced or 30% investment tax credit for renewable chemical production facilities,” explained the Alternative Fuels & Chemicals Coalition (AFCC).

This will have many benefits for the environment—from reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution associated with fossil fuel-based manufacturing, to reducing waste by replacing traditional plastics and chemicals with biobased alternatives.

It will also boost the economy, accelerating commercialization of biobased products—which consumers want—and emphasizing “the need for job creation in these growing industries,” said Rep. Pascrell. 

And it will build resilience. By boosting the bioeconomy now, we’ll be able to better respond to challenges in the not-so-distant future—like climate change, economic turmoil, even pandemics

Stephanie’s Sage Words: To truly build a 21st-century bioeconomy that works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit waste, investments in the development of renewable chemicals will be critical. BIO and its members thank Reps. Pascrell and Fitzpatrick for supporting the sector as it provides solutions to build greener supply chains through this much-needed tax credit. Renewable chemical breakthroughs—such as the development of bioplastics—will not only help protect the planet but will also revitalize domestic manufacturing, creating new jobs and opportunities for economic growth. Stephanie Batchelor, Vice President of BIO’s Industrial and Environmental Section 

Read more about why a resilient future starts with the biobased economy

Learn more about biobased manufacturing and bioplastics.


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Rolling Stone: How climate change is ushering in a new pandemic era
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It’s not too late to get a flu vaccine

Learn more about National Influenza Vaccination Week.

Everyone’s getting excited about the coronavirus vaccine news—but there’s another important vaccine you can get TODAY that will protect you, your family, and the community in the difficult months ahead.

During the 2019-2020 season, influenza caused 400,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

These numbers would have been much worse without the flu vaccine, which prevented more than 100,000 hospitalizations and 6,300 deaths last year.

It’s not too late to get the shot. While the CDC recommends getting the vaccine in the fall for maximum protection, peak flu season is just getting started so you will still benefit if you get the shot now. 

And the flu vaccine is more important than ever this year. Reducing the number of influenza cases will take strain off the health care system still coping with the pandemic, as well as reduce your risk of illness or coinfection with COVID-19, as the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases’ Dr. William Schaffner explained.

It’s National Influenza Vaccination Week.Visit the CDC’s website for information about flu prevention and resources that you can share with your community. 

To find out where you can get a flu vaccine near you, visit


More Health Care News: 

Biopharma Dive: FDA scientists appear supportive of Pfizer, BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine
“The detailed analysis by agency staff, released Tuesday ahead of a key meeting of FDA advisers later this week, uncovered no notable safety concerns and affirmed the drugmakers' finding that their vaccine is 95% effective in preventing symptomatic coronavirus disease.”  

BIO Beltway Report
BIO Beltway Report
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President Trump’s Wednesday: No public events scheduled. 

President-elect Biden’s Wednesday: Yesterday’s “safe harbor” deadline “locks in President-elect Joe Biden’s victory,” reports the APwhile the Supreme Court unanimously rejected Republicans' bid to overturn his win in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, he reportedly selected Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), a member of the House Agriculture Committee, to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development

What’s Happening on Capitol Hill: The House will vote on a one-week stopgap funding bill to give them more time to work on appropriations/coronavirus aid, reports Roll Call. (The current government funding bill expires on Friday.) The Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee will hold a hearing, VA’s Response to COVID-19 Across the VA Enterprise.

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