Bonnie Fendrock is the founding CEO of Cyta Therapeutics, a spin-out from UMass, Amherst. Bonnie was CEO, Co-founder and Board Member of Hepregen Corporation, a venture backed, commercial stage, MIT spin-out. In 2012, Bonnie was honored along with other innovation leaders as one of the Mass High Tech ‘Women to Watch’. With a general management background, Bonnie has held leadership roles in general management, corporate and business development, marketing and program management from foundational and high growth biotechnology companies including Genzyme, Somatix and Genetics Institute. Bonnie is on the board of Wellspring House in Gloucester, Mass which helps individuals and families achieve employment and financial security. through stable housing, education, job training and career readiness. Bonnie is also on the Commercial Advisory Board of the Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute. Through the years, Bonnie has been an engaged mentor to women entrepreneurs. Prior to busines
Speaking In
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday, June 7