A Price Control Odyssey : The Inflation Reduction Act’s Effects on the Innovation Ecosystem
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT), Wednesday, June 7, 2023 ・ Session Room 254B

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains some of the most significant changes to prescription drug pricing, reimbursement, and access since the Affordable Care Act was enacted over a decade ago. A new study by Vital Transformation, a healthcare economics consultancy, looks at the economic impacts on the innovation ecosystem and access to new therapies, with a particular focus on drug discovery and rare disease. As the federal government implements the price control provisions of the IRA, biotech hubs like Boston, Massachusetts will bear the brunt of those impacts as they manage R&D pipelines. Panelists will discuss the studies findings, and look at the chilling effects on venture funding, orphan drug impacts, and reduced treatments reaching patients.