Untech inc

Booth 2949
Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Untech Inc is a drug development company that has developed a proprietary breakthrough medication for chronic wounds, a pathology that generates a USD 18 Billion market. This represents a huge opportunity because more than 80% of this market is composed of palliative products. The patent that protects this technology was granted in the US and filed in 43 more countries, covering more than 90% of the global market. The medication has successfully finished the preclinical phase and clinical phase I is in progress. The business model is based on royalties. Currently, Series A is open.

Chronic wounds, like diabetic foot ulcers, venous ulcers, and bedsores are a special kind of injuries that don’t heal. They affect more than 120 million people worldwide and the FDA considers them an Unmet Medical Need. This is because of the increasing number of patients (diabetes, life expectancy, and obesity), the huge disease severity (infections, amputations, chronic pain), and the lack of efficacy of the available treatments (60% of patients take more than 1 year to heal). The lack of efficacy of available treatments generates a big indirect burden for health systems. For example, the US health system spent 5 billion on products and more than USD 20 billion per year in indirect costs.

Based on a novel approach and after 17 years of research and technological iteration, Untech has developed a gel composed of 5 marketed small molecules and 1 marketed enzyme. The gel can be applied directly to the wounds, accelerating the healing process from years to months, drastically reducing the probability of amputations, and allowing the patients to remain ambulatory. The use of marketed ingredients provides readily available safety and efficacy data that support an accelerated regulatory pathway in FDA.

To improve the clinical outcome, wound care associations around the world recommend providing 10 different therapeutic requirements at the same time. While most products in the market are merely palliatives or just offer one therapeutic requirement, Untech is the only all-in-one solution achieving the recommendations. Untech attacks all causes that avoid healing and simultaneously provides all therapeutic requirements in one product. That is why it is a unique and superior solution.

The business model is based mainly on Royalties. Out-licensing after clinical phase II.
The working plan implies performing preclinical and clinical phases I and II for FDA/EMA, and then, relicensing the patents to company/ies that will perform Clinical Phase III and bring the product to the market.
At the time of the exit, Untech will receive an upfront payment, then a success fee for Clinical Phase III, and royalties when the product reaches the market.

Untech has the Patent of this medication granted in the USA and South Africa and filed in 43 more countries (including, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Israel, Australia, and European Patent Office) covering more than 90% of the global market. Claims granted protect composition, treatment, formulation, and manufacturing. Patent protection until September 2039.

Untech has already carried out the Preclinical Phase and is beginning the Clinical Phase I.
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