Trianni, Inc.

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM (JST), Tuesday, March 5, 2019 ・ 2nd Floor
Trianni, Inc. is a biotech company specializing in human antibody discovery platform technology. Our existing asset is a cutting-edge platform enabling efficient discovery of fully-human monoclonal antibodies. The Trianni Mouse offers biologic drug discoverers a best-in-class solution for the isolation therapeutic antibody candidates. Benefits over older conventional mouse immunization + humanization approaches include superior lead panels with respect to potency and diversity along with speed to the clinic and lower operating costs.
Company Type:
Privately Funded Company
Company Website:
Company HQ State:
Company HQ Country:
United States
Year Founded:
Main Therapeutic Focus:
Multiple Therapeutics
Lead Product in Development:
The Trianni Mouse
Development Phase of Primary Product:
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners):
Not Provided