BIO Professional Development

Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers industry professionals executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth

Biomanufacturing Primer

Biomanufacturing Primer introduces the ever-evolving world of biomanufacturing. It gives a scientific overview of essential topics such as the intricacies driving cell lines, cell banks, upstream/downstream bioprocessing, and the latest advancements in this dynamic field. The class compares the fascinating differences between bacterial and mammalian cell lines and explains which drug products each can and cannot produce. The concept of cell banks, both master and working cell banks, and their critical manufacturing roles are explained in detail. This primer outlines the art of upstream bioprocessing (optimizing cell growth and scale-up) and downstream bioprocessing (harvesting and purifying protein drug products). The class ends by highlighting incredible advancements such as continuous bioprocessing, single-use technologies, and critical quality attributes. Register today for this informative class and gain a foundational understanding of biomanufacturing!

a group of scientists at a lab are looking through microscopes


  1. Explain the process of bacterial and mammalian cell line development.
  2. Compare the roles of a master cell bank and the working cell bank.
  3. Describe, in detail, the steps of upstream and downstream bioprocessing and how to optimize cell growth for maximum productivity.
  4. Discuss the highly regulated testing protocols that ensure product quality.
  5. Cite the benefits and risks of game-changing advancements in biomanufacturing, including continuous bioprocessing and single-use technologies.
Course Price:
$190 USD
BIO Member Price:
$160 USD
Course Length:
50 minutes
Course Level:
Completion Period:
1 year from date of purchase
Course Format:

Certificate Requirements

Complete the course quiz with a passing score of 75% or higher

Suggested Prerequisites

Explore foundational science of genetic modification -- the impetus for the creation of the biotechnology industry in the 1980s.

Professional Certificate

Gain a comprehensive understanding of DNA, proteins, and cells, explaining how they are manipulated to create innovative therapies and diagnostic tools.

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