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Ted Roumel, Vice President for Research Innovation & Commercialization at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, USA

March 10, 2016

Innovation And The Global Research Enterprise

-UMBI is one of 13 campuses of the University of Maryland System which is one of the top tier university systems in the United States
-Our mission is to conduct cutting edge research to advance science and improve public well being throughout the world
-We cover all areas of biotech including medical, agricultural, marine, industrial, and environmental

-The intersection of invention and insight leading to creation of social and economic value—Council on Competitiveness
-Innovation is required for the advancement of civilization
-Innovation is being pursued globally
-Innovation requires a robust research enterprise

Bio-Pharmaceutical Research Enterprise
-Complex/Numerous Active Players
-Industry, Academia and Government
-Now Non-profit and Patient Groups
-Dynamic Biological Organism
-Research Funding
-IP Rights
-Risk/Reward System

Strength of the US Bio-Pharmaceutical Enterprise
-Tradition of Cooperation Between Academia, Industry & Government/Disease is The Enemy
-Sponsored & Contract Research, Clinical Trials, Licensing, etc.
-Public Support for Research & New, Innovative Treatments
-Demand for the latest and best treatment and medication
-Support Reward for Risk
-Protection of Intellectual Property
-Market Economy
-Availability of Venture Capital

Importance of IP to the Biomedical Research Enterprise
-Enables life sciences technology to move forward on its long road with protection of investment
-Time frame for approval of therapeutic drugs equates to six generations of cell phones
-Provides needed reward for risk

IP and Investment
-No venture capital if no protection
-Those with something of value seek IP protection
-OECD and U.S. NAS Conference and Report Conclusions--IP does not impinge on the R&D enterprise
-NIH--Innovation stymied by price controls

Importance of University Research
-Provide basic research talent
-Assist in development of translational research
-Provide assistance in clinical research activities
-Contribute to economic development
-Conduct research of interest to the developing world

UMBI Research
-WHO supports research on Class II transposable element dynamics in Anopheles gambiae—mosquitoes—anti malaria work
-Development of an environmentally friendly and economically sustainable marine aquaculture in land based facilities

Partnerships and Collaborations
-Seek long term relationships
-On average it may take up to 3 years to license a technology
-Technology Transfer is a marathon not a sprint
-TT best way to implement important findings and concepts

Future of the Research Enterprise
-Understanding and Balancing Outcomes Desired by Government, Industry and Academia/Non Profit Sectors
-Maintaining and Enhancing the Strengths of the Research Enterprise
-Communicating to the Public the Value to Society from Enterprise Interaction

Contact Information
Theodore J. Roumel, PhD MPH
Vice President for Research, Innovation & Commercialization
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute

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