It’s 9:30 AM on the coronavirus vaccine clock

November 20, 2020
As we head into the holiday week, the CDC is urging Americans to avoid traveling for Thanksgiving and keep your dinners to your own household. But don’t feel down: a small or virtual celebration this year means you’re doing your part to keep your loved ones healthy for…

As we head into the holiday week, the CDC is urging Americans to avoid traveling for Thanksgiving and keep your dinners to your own household. But don’t feel down: a small or virtual celebration this year means you’re doing your part to keep your loved ones healthy for next year—and more pie for you. 

In the meantime, we have an update on the coronavirus vaccine clock and a new coalition working to streamline animal biotech approvals. (680 words, 3 minutes, 24 seconds)


It’s 9:30 AM on the coronavirus vaccine clock


We’re back with another update on USA TODAY’s coronavirus vaccine clock—and we’ve moved ahead further than we have since the clock began in June.

Breaking: BIO member Pfizer just announced that they will apply for emergency use authorization of their COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

This comes on the heels of the news that the Moderna and Pfizer candidates were 95% effective in phase 3 clinical trials. Meanwhile, at least seven more candidates are making good progress, reports BioCentury, and it’s likely several will make it to the finish line. 

While this is good news, logistical challenges remain,according to experts who spoke to USA TODAY.

What kind of challenges? Like figuring out how “to get the vaccines delivered, get them in people's arms, remind people to come back weeks later for a second shot, and record any problems. It also will require scientists and others to convince hundreds of millions of Americans—starting with front-line health care workers—the vaccine is a crucial tool in the fight against COVID-19.”

So, if the start of the pandemic is midnight, and a return to normal is noon, what time is it today? It’s 9:30 AM—the biggest advance in one month since June.

USA Today November vaccine clock

Dr. Michelle’s Diagnosis: The data on the effectiveness of both Moderna’s and Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccines are extremely encouraging. The speed at which they and many other biopharma companies have mobilized to develop a vaccine is both remarkable and unprecedented. – BIO President and CEO Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath 

Want to know more about the biotech industry’s unprecedented response?BIO Chair Dr. Jeremy Levin, CEO of Ovid Therapeutics, joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this week to discuss.

Want to know what else is in the pipeline? Get the latest updates at BIO’s COVID-19 Therapeutic Development Tracker.


How animal biotech is a climate change solution


A broad spectrum of agriculture, environment, and food stakeholders agree: animal biotech is an important tool in the climate-change toolbox.

The Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance, a new coalition of leading ag, food, forestry, and environmental groups, put forward policy recommendations including a “risk- and science-based regulatory pathway to streamline the animal biotechnology approval process.” 

The 52-page report authored by American Farm Bureau Federation, Environmental Defense Fund, FMI-The Food Industry Association, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, and The Nature Conservancy, among others, recognizes that improved animal genetics can help livestock adapt to a changing climate and contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Specifically: “Improvements in animal genetics to produce more meat or milk could allow for a reduction in the total number of animals in production, thus reducing the aggregate environmental impact. The use of technologies, such as gene editing, could enable such improvements to be made quickly,” says the coalition report.

To date, only one food animal has been approved—the AquAdvantage salmon—and it was under review for more than two decades. 

And over the past year, many other stakeholders have weighed in—including livestock producers and state ag commissioners.

This is why BIO has urged the U.S. Government to modernize the animal biotechnology regulatory system—currently under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—to give technology developers more clarity and investors more confidence in the pathway to commercialization.

Learn more about how we can drive animal biotech solutions.

Watch BIO's Year in Review

This year, BIO and our member companies collaborated like never before to advance innovation and elevate science…

From developing resources and rapid-response communications to educate the world about COVID-19 and the industry’s remarkable response to it… 

To quickly evolving our physical events to virtual meetings that connected thousands of companies and investors from 50+ countries…

To launching the BIOEquality Agenda and developing a new strategic vision to promote justice through equity and champion the biotech ecosystem.

None of this work would be possible without our members—thank you! 

Watch and share our new video outlining the accomplishments achieved by BIO and our members in 2020—and see for yourself how nothing stops innovation.

Click to Watch and Share Now!

BIO Beltway Report
BIO Beltway Report
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President Trump’s Friday: Participating in the virtual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting, then he’s scheduled to give remarks on drug pricing at 2:30 PM ET.

President-Elect Biden’s Friday:Georgia completed its entire recount by hand, confirming Joe Biden as the winner. ICYMI, here’s a recap of remarks from the president-elect and vice-president-elect yesterday, which touched on COVID-19 response. 

What’s Happening on Capitol Hill: Things are getting quieter ahead of the Thanksgiving recess.

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