BIO has re-launched a streamlined version of our FDA communications survey to gauge the effectiveness of FDA-sponsor interactions during drug development. This brief survey asks about topics such as communications channels, special designations, and clinical holds.
The survey is pivotal for BIO’s ongoing efforts to ensure the FDA review process is working as well as it can. In the past, a similar survey has been critical in our continuous efforts to work with FDA on best practices and to reauthorize PDUFA. The results will be incorporated into BIO’s advocacy agenda to ensure a science-driven, innovative, well-resourced FDA.
To participate, simply click here to go to the survey, or use the Access the Survey link below.
Data will be analyzed in aggregate and not on level of an individual company or program to maintain anonymity.
You will be asked basic information about your company and programs and provide vital feedback on your experience interacting with FDA. The survey’s clinical program journals are the heart of the survey. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions for each notable interaction with FDA during development.
BIO anticipates that multiple people within an organization may complete the program journals and we ask you to coordinate internally to capture the full breadth of interactions your company is experiencing.
Participating companies will receive exclusive access to survey data during a webinar in 2024. Again, all data and feedback will be anonymized. If you have questions about the survey you may reach out to fdasurveysupport@bio.org.